Problemi trebbiatura!

  • 3 Risposte
  • 875 Visite

Offline gas

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  • Post: 16
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  • Località: Fano
« il: 24 Maggio 2020, 10:40:10 »
Salve ragazzi! Buona domenica  a tutti! Ho un problema con la trebbiatrice....praticamente non funziona piu' barra si abbassa-gira ma il frumento (o altro) rimane sul terreno![spoiler][/sGIANTS Engine Runtime 8.0.0 (20335) 64bit Steam (Build Date: Oct  1 2019)
Copyright (c) 2008-2019, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2019, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: FarmingSimulator2019
Main System
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-5005U CPU @ 2.00GHz
  Memory: 4016 MB
  OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
Physics System
  Version: 5.9.5
  Thread(s): 2
Input System
  Keyboard enabled
  Mouse enabled
  Gamepad/Joystick enabled
  Force Feedback disabled
Audio System
  Driver: SoftMixer WASAPI Stereo
  Version: 2018.11
  Frequency: 48000
  Max. active sources: 256
Render System
  Driver: Direct 3D 11
  Card Vendor: Intel Corporation
  Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
  Version: (9.6.2017)
  Revision: 9
  Feature level: DirectX 11
  Windowed Mode : off
  V-Sync        : on
  Effective Window Resolution:  1280 x 720
Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
Hardware Profile
  Level: High (forced)
  View Distance Factor: 1.100000
  Shadow Quality: 1.000000 Base-Size: 2048 Filter-Size: 16 Shadow Focus Box false
  Shader Quality: 2
  Skip Mipmaps: 0
  LOD Distance Factor: 1.100000
  Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.500000
  Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes
  Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.400000
  Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.850000
  Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 2.000000
  Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 3
  Max. Number of Lights: 512
  Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
  MSAA: 2
  Bloom Quality: 4
  SSAO Quality: 12
  DOF: Enabled
  Cloud Quality: 3
  EnvMap Blending: Enabled
  Setting 'Master Volume': 1
  Setting 'Is Train Tabbable': true
  Setting 'Radio Vehicle Only': true
  Setting 'Radio Active': false
  Setting 'Use Colorblind Mode': false
  Setting 'Easy Arm Control': true
  Setting 'Show Trigger Marker': true
  Setting 'Show Field-Info': true
  Setting 'Invert Y-Look': false
  Setting 'Show Help Icons': true
  Setting 'Radio Volume': 0
  Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 0.40000000596046
  Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.69999998807907
  Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.5
  Setting 'Master Volume': 1
  Setting 'Music Volume': 0
Farming Simulator 19 (Steam)
  Version: b6732
  Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr
  Language: it
  Time: 2020-05-24 10:14:32
Load mod: FS19_holmerPack (Version: (Hash: def22884bd1b63522320edd01ccc3628)
Load mod: CSS_kuhnHR4004_front (Version: (Hash: 0348b82122a63df924788303825fbd4c)
Load mod: F19_ClaasLexion700Serie_v4 (Version: (Hash: 513c9925cc512eb0df32dd638b969059)
Load mod: fiat451c_v3 (Version: 1) (Hash: 28ea94c1689c4226320d6b425b8dd22a)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod fiat451c_v3
dataS2/character/humans/characterAnimation.i3d (182.41 ms)
Load mod: FS17_bdForageNChips (Version: (Hash: b253fcabc5eb94fc11dddaf8c736e7c2)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod FS17_bdForageNChips
Load mod: FS17_GameExtension (Version: (Hash: 3d7960caccbdd344069f1983e4dbdacf)
dataS2/character/humans/pedestrians/pedestrianAnimation.i3d (67.22 ms)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod FS17_GameExtension
Load mod: FS19_additionalFieldInfo (Version: (Hash: 9be03af99dbc355cacf6a28c9d421e40)
Load mod: FS19_Agpro (Version: (Hash: 06931978759cd3fbc610f7ee6f47935c)
Load mod: FS19_AgroLift_GRM_ZNS (Version: (Hash: ff4e03dba39764c6907bac7410beb69c)
Load mod: FS19_AgroMasz_BM_SP (Version: (Hash: 2934fdcee9489cd1455ae689882673d3)
Load mod: FS19_AgromataxFertiMax (Version: (Hash: 526e5e0538a31353b16b83fd094baccd)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneADP303Super (Version: (Hash: b3c49c36ca48fb81e990674f32f56d3e)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneD8_40 (Version: (Hash: 963b7aafed3c6895e58ccf17bc16947d)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneD9Pack (Version: (Hash: 31fa46da4a42deacfaa93943d68080a9)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneZAM (Version: (Hash: 1fd5d350ba4db5ceff192075b4d9deae)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneZAU (Version: (Hash: e4670ad894953a3840c6bd2256c62405)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneZAX1402 (Version: (Hash: e460f63557364e9b140be46fb08dd2b9)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneZGB55_8200 (Version: (Hash: 28afcc3e66e3b4be1edbb4bd4a3a1a8f)
Load mod: FS19_AutoDrive (Version: (Hash: 308a29c526a348ec608a5ee28d79ea73)
Load mod: fs19_autoloadpack (Version: 2.0) (Hash: 41153692732d1df44aaebe7fa1852210)
Load mod: FS19_barnPack (Version: (Hash: ee49bd87d74441d2f96bff75d3fdffb7)
Load mod: FS19_BatimentStockagePlacable (Version: (Hash: 40a0df1504539274a414c1a440be1fab)
Load mod: FS19_bredalF2WS4000 (Version: (Hash: 6632e65cc5df99247ed2de889ddc5b53)
Load mod: FS19_brunsMBA12000 (Version: (Hash: 7b641f5d149ca8e8a4c5feea6879e7d4)
Load mod: FS19_CaseIH_Ecolo_Til_2500 (Version: (Hash: 98a7a79d6a77f5ebcb381423987f21dc)
Load mod: FS19_CressoniCRX (Version: (Hash: 947c0be3a0ef8ab521ffddf75d352619)
Load mod: FS19_cultivatorFieldCreator (Version: (Hash: 1655eba945d491e9499295e1e3ea57b9)
Load mod: FS19_Deleks_pack (Version: 1.0.0) (Hash: 7b19465664236c6d3c473a521d45e39b)
Load mod: FS19_Duro_France_Bi_Poutre (Version: (Hash: fba1fb9c53dba286f90a66db062d8c33)
Load mod: FS19_eggPallet (Version: (Hash: 6f3e45bf75c06547558cdeaa37449b20)
Load mod: FS19_ExampleMill (Version: (Hash: 4fec5471c2bb078902d32ae6fe4ff7ed)
Load mod: FS19_farmSiloSmall (Version: (Hash: 737480ed39e88237dc61be0e3476be27)
Load mod: FS19_Fertilizer_Lime_Pallets (Version: (Hash: d19c82e7bfb6267417f87b4a9bdb7a24)
Load mod: FS19_FillLevelLimiter (Version: (Hash: b3525c23578b6d76d2196236b16a0c76)
Load mod: FS19_FilllevelWarning (Version: (Hash: e8eb96293c4be913d60bf41c44067409)
Load mod: FS19_fillTypeMassAdjustmentRealistic (Version: (Hash: c7abfc36ea515f8ec005b4d86ab58147)
Load mod: FS19_forwardSpeedLimiter (Version: (Hash: f788caa7221c761b0595e3ce9656cef1)
Load mod: FS19_FrenchSheds (Version: (Hash: 54b37416c3454529259c4ed9035415e8)
Load mod: FS19_FruitTrees_console (Version: (Hash: 32f334b7f06deed377d48b30ab0b06ca)
Load mod: FS19_fuelTank5000 (Version: (Hash: 31731c938306272c11adc57febc1ebae)
Load mod: FS19_FullStop (Version: (Hash: 825ceb27087f4d588e77124e4d5f8c98)
Load mod: FS19_GASPARDO_NINA_300 (Version: (Hash: fb727541aef5fe4a3310d5f0e7800662)
Load mod: FS19_GEO_Central_Italy (Version: (Hash: 187ea5caeb46f0b92ba4ea498fb9c753)
Load mod: FS19_gilibertHelios_15 (Version: (Hash: 3a9ef026f8bdce2bc589b92e1fe0f615)
Load mod: FS19_GlobalCompany (Version: (Hash: f488beb12e06959a6f6ea0e722a4b6a9)
Load mod: FS19_GlobalCompanyAddOn_Icons (Version: (Hash: 3ba928d2f123122e081e505aba155ee4)
Load mod: FS19_GlobalCompanyPlaceable_AnimalStableStorages (Version: (Hash: e9165324fffb478b84812ed683f02254)
Load mod: fs19_goldoni (Version: (Hash: baec681595567fd18846921dc373bc0a)
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Graphic_Mod/modDesc.xml'.
Load mod: FS19_Graphic_Mod (Hash: c12a4bde1c5072497d1170e64752d7b0)
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod FS19_Graphic_Mod
Load mod: FS19_guidanceSteering (Version: (Hash: 3645a5c70e203ab001c499805eb2c473)
Load mod: FS19_HangarPlacable (Version: (Hash: 53811de1acde65a3c9fdda7c64e4fa7b)
Load mod: FS19_Holzhalle (Version: (Hash: 429e28a63d1df9e6189979cc1bfb8f84)
Load mod: FS19_IndoorCamFirst (Version: (Hash: 88c668716be1ff7a6ad5808181f7c5d7)
Load mod: FS19_internationalHarvester_33_Series (Version: (Hash: 02e0fbde0bbf4b8bf3213e035828f266)
Load mod: FS19_Ischia_Farm (Version: (Hash: c3b66f7b7ae77fc486252aacf79f2c7b)
Load mod: FS19_itRunner (Version: (Hash: a2984f75fa331c806af818162dbe0672)
Load mod: FS19_itRunnerPack (Version: (Hash: 4375f4eb9d7650f868fd949d06e35d6b)
Load mod: FS19_ITS_DriveLaner (Version: (Hash: 6a6f9772c7a631814619ee93e562d706)
Load mod: FS19_ITS_DriveLaner_BIGs (Version: (Hash: de4a97e840158074449e88cd6d810c98)
Load mod: FS19_jcbSkidSteer (Version: (Hash: 856cae72af19cfaa641f72e966ab276f)
Load mod: FS19_joskinAquaTrans7300 (Version: (Hash: 268d93d7b9e3ce999b1041663042bcb9)
Load mod: FS19_joskinModuloDuo (Version: (Hash: e20d2ddc6be77052737a9f0226aeae38)
Load mod: FS19_KharonShed (Version: (Hash: b689b8500fcf3a5d372b55fa57e12181)
Load mod: FS19_KuhnAxis402Plus (Version: (Hash: 92347d35da05802aac389e36d5d6cc9a)
Load mod: fs19_kuhnhr3004 (Version: (Hash: 227d85995fff377328ee97581101de77)
Load mod: FS19_kvernelandExactaEL (Version: (Hash: 1c2123b5ce49137fd011049ea7a30223)
Load mod: FS19_kvernelandExactaELpack (Version: (Hash: 80732601803237db0e3db09883a567b5)
Load mod: FS19_Lair_Baletrailer_Pack (Version: (Hash: 9bfb80327a140e4a049761c7fb95b09c)
Load mod: FS19_LapachoTree (Version: (Hash: f0ec15c2f925926b363d6921e36cbb7f)
Load mod: FS19_LightControl (Version: (Hash: 72663e05eff6de16f7346376762c9b1d)
Load mod: FS19_lightsSet (Version: (Hash: bb161d3fccaed58fcabf9dbb6d28a70c)
Load mod: FS19_LimeToAugerWagon (Version: (Hash: 9a1c38af98d4447eb2a10876225b4a1f)
Load mod: FS19_Lizard2500 (Version: (Hash: 07e584755458385b0283782657f24f18)
Load mod: FS19_Lizard28FootBale (Version: (Hash: 854fdd374257ff5f56c9fee54c8b324c)
Load mod: FS19_lizardwm (Version: (Hash: a2141c64610e5a44fa73c9d92de28828)
Load mod: FS19_Lizard_Mixell141 (Version: (Hash: fb992aacce9d486f2748f45cc1d9cd68)
Load mod: fs19_manitou_mc (Version: (Hash: 9d23820371730e458bdb691d0ec14d21)
Load mod: fs19_manitou_mc18_container (Version: (Hash: 747e9cf546037b07f0cbdada137e5f7e)
Load mod: FS19_marshallST1800 (Version: (Hash: 01c3ebfe4c75cad864147a93b557eb4e)
Load mod: FS19_MaschioGaspardoPrimo (Version: (Hash: 331fd462b81a2dd47be022d958ad4bd8)
Load mod: FS19_MF711 (Version: (Hash: 8ec9c8718d71d455119b7dffff9e9af8)
Load mod: FS19_ModernDirtyShed (Version: (Hash: 60d28b8bce14896d396ed74b99277899)
Load mod: FS19_movinghedges (Version: 1.0.2) (Hash: 741f9789e5f64d22f7e2a4c4480694bd)
Load mod: FS19_mvu_agrotech (Version: (Hash: 53b33b81022a809159d9bf13eb51cda8)
Load mod: FS19_NewHollandBraud9000L (Version: (Hash: a74fbe819a4156e38f43dbc177f019d3)
Load mod: FS19_OldBaleTrailer (Version: (Hash: 35035797b9e2ffd181f534be85510be8)
Load mod: FS19_PackDondi800 (Version: (Hash: e0eb9bfc3058e28f8986202e1989321e)
Load mod: FS19_pioneerPallets (Version: (Hash: f4d4c74f7c808e381a53b85ad5a6e689)
Load mod: FS19_placeableGreenhouses (Version: (Hash: 2f776b01c5ba03c510f222d1ff5301ff)
Load mod: FS19_placeable_Openshed (Version: (Hash: 6f222b4fe04d057ace244463886a5e4a)
Load mod: FS19_placeable_Shed (Version: (Hash: ca20a14a0f18359fe0b4d534d2ef5093)
Load mod: FS19_placeable_trees (Version: (Hash: 120f8b6dce83e2384dda0b4307f5b266)
Load mod: FS19_playerActionCamera (Version: (Hash: caeb3f3246e4ab73834b6d96a32098a7)
Load mod: FS19_poettingerLion (Version: (Hash: a3291f7a097498d9e27541d0eb3a2012)
Load mod: FS19_PolishPack (Version: (Hash: 50d5354e3b39ecf50c841c515e9ce494)
Load mod: FS19_pottingerVitasem302 (Version: (Hash: 8d3837c6ad9297aeefe1ab8a22ffa471)
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Prefab_DecoPack/modDesc.xml'.
Load mod: FS19_Prefab_DecoPack (Hash: eba3e527ba742c24c96f213511c600d2)
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod FS19_Prefab_DecoPack
Load mod: FS19_rauchAxis502 (Version: (Hash: c5ddb82406a98ade60eb05020e3c7db4)
Load mod: FS19_RCW3 (Version: (Hash: e017aaf797409b176c1ad57a33baea4e)
Load mod: FS19_REA (Version: (Hash: 25174f83374bb010dd0accaff82e03bc)
Load mod: FS19_READynamicDirt (Version: (Hash: 3b2398abd7c0aeac770e470e004498ad)
Load mod: FS19_realDirtFix (Version: (Hash: f835fe69bf0a8d90678df6bb95c70786)
Load mod: FS19_RealFillManureHeaps (Version: (Hash: 8361820d9df3e8efff2b9b5e2c800076)
Load mod: FS19_RealisticSteering (Version: (Hash: 8a0ae9e067bc8acd041ae1cd3a3e1301)
Load mod: FS19_reverseSpeedLimiter (Version: (Hash: d4ab669f3d8fedeb0c356d17efd86519)
Load mod: FS19_RM_PalletBox (Version: (Hash: da73a4c0ab9616caab995a4c5cefb0dc)
Load mod: FS19_RM_PlantableSpruceTrees (Version: (Hash: 42941831dc0bcd82052401050aa21f4c)
Load mod: FS19_rollOver (Version: (Hash: 5da69742660036391a1cb2bdc5c31847)
Load mod: FS19_rootCropStorage (Version: (Hash: dd7f8c4edc5068cebcde65ab13525e34)
Load mod: FS19_Selfmade_BaleTrailer_9_75m (Version: (Hash: 8fc7664e7e7994e815522b2a3b20e304)
Load mod: FS19_SelfMarketing (Version: (Hash: 2e08e04a681bea7783e931a8d27cb508)
Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'action_closeDoor' in mod 'FS19_SelfMarketing'. Ignoring this definition.
Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'action_openDoor' in mod 'FS19_SelfMarketing'. Ignoring this definition.
Load mod: FS19_SicmaBronty (Version: (Hash: 6d820c4f67e938b80ac0c9ea40a546cb)
Load mod: FS19_Sicma_RM235 (Version: (Hash: 5d97e6d541e8e24ccb653f4e6c8da6d3)
Load mod: FS19_SiloKingExtended (Version: (Hash: 663a2922a308cad74145f6f8d9e8db4f)
Load mod: FS19_SiloSystem (Version: (Hash: 21bafacd257483106958157639b99b6f)
Load mod: FS19_SpeedPlayerMod (Version: (Hash: 97a841ebd0c17e000261b0a9a15183e8)
Load mod: FS19_StajaTrentPack (Version: (Hash: 68076490bd8ccbe065e1e26b8c873c3a)
Load mod: FS19_StrautmannPS1201 (Version: (Hash: ede80f1ae58b7bcf347e31f1817819dd)
Load mod: FS19_Subsoiler_6M (Version: (Hash: 33f6ec01534bbe6bd1d712dafcd9305f)
Load mod: FS19_SulkyX50econov (Version: (Hash: 5f04b9b26f7f23189a3b2c79d4f20f3c)
Load mod: FS19_Sulky_Burel (Version: (Hash: b7224d39abb4feec1b21a371d0ccd4c5)
Load mod: FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm (Version: (Hash: 4f9245ba347ecc7c1c1d915d4e61bf81)
Load mod: FS19_ToolDisplay (Version: (Hash: 642318f535db6b732d0596b8e543c52f)
Load mod: FS19_ursusC360 (Version: (Hash: 14d9de2957c47d0d0fc386a374cf5a3c)
Load mod: FS19_ursus_4cyl_4x2_pack (Version: (Hash: d6966e9ae2cd90c4ebd507c7d373af3a)
Load mod: FS19_VehicleShed (Version: (Hash: 267c197c588fe0afd4644dbac4e76c56)
Load mod: FS19_vehicleShelter (Version: (Hash: 598acf04d85b53eae9fa563961e7a244)
Load mod: FS19_VehicleShelter17 (Version: (Hash: c0b6b71d6a404b43dc21179b7b44386e)
Load mod: FS19_Vineyard (Version: (Hash: dca15bc5e844848375599ae85efd7f91)
Load mod: FS19_WestPack_DecorationHills (Version: (Hash: 80909b4c9cea719672082a5a407826f1)
Load mod: FS19_Wielton_PRB_1_7000 (Version: (Hash: 178c2b3c789a7f5335a1b647ebb2e7f0)
Load mod: FS19_Wooden_shelter (Version: (Hash: 40147d77386a8c1a7103ce57862d7573)
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/OPEN_ME_ITALIA_RICE_GEO/modDesc.xml'.
Load mod: OPEN_ME_ITALIA_RICE_GEO (Hash: 1bac4210add19b15cc96553af8ea7fa7)
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod OPEN_ME_ITALIA_RICE_GEO
2020-05-24 10:14   Loaded specializations
2020-05-24 10:14   Loaded vehicle types
2020-05-24 10:14   Loaded placeable types
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "selfPropelledSprayer"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "tractor"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "baseDrivable"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "loaderVehicle"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "woodTruck"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "cottonHarvester"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "drivableMixerWagon"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "conveyorBelt"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "tractorCrabSteering"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "pickupConveyorBelt"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "carFillable"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "teleHandler"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "tractorReverseDriving"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "woodCrusherTrailerDrivable"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "combineCutterFruitPreparer"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "woodHarvester"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "selfPropelledMower"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "forwarder"
2020-05-24 10:14   Info: [AutoDrive] Attached to vehicleType "combineDrivable"
2020-05-24 10:14 *** Categorizer loading cats!
2020-05-24 10:14 ::INFO:: from the AddConfig.lua: Set max number of configurations to 134.217.728
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Could not register brand. Image is missing or empty!
2020-05-24 10:14   Loaded 'Fill Level Limiter' into 35 vehicle types.
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Could not register brand. Image is missing or empty!
2020-05-24 10:14   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - Loading Version: (29.04.2020)
2020-05-24 10:14   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - MODDING: Add mod 'IndividualHudFruit' as invalid Mod!
2020-05-24 10:14   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - MODDING: Initialising environments for mod 'fs19_manitou_mc18_container'
2020-05-24 10:14   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - [GlobalCompany > GC_languageManager]
2020-05-24 10:14     WARNING: The following text entries loaded from 'C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/fs19_manitou_mc18_container/l10n_en.xml' do not have the required prefix or subPrefix 'fs19_manitou_mc18_container'! Please add this.
2020-05-24 10:14       1: FS19_Manitou_MC18_Container_atcContainerVehicles
2020-05-24 10:14       2: FS19_Manitou_MC18_Container_atcContainerTools
2020-05-24 10:14       3: FS19_Manitou_MC18_Container_atcContainerObjects
2020-05-24 10:14       4: FS19_Manitou_MC18_Container_atcContainerPlaceables
2020-05-24 10:14   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - [GlobalCompany > GC_languageManager]
2020-05-24 10:14     WARNING: The following text entries loaded from 'C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/fs19_manitou_mc18_container/l10n_en.xml' do not have the required prefix or subPrefix 'fs19_manitou_mc18_container'! Please add this.
2020-05-24 10:14       1: FS19_Manitou_MC18_Container_atcContainerVehicles
2020-05-24 10:14       2: FS19_Manitou_MC18_Container_atcContainerTools
2020-05-24 10:14       3: FS19_Manitou_MC18_Container_atcContainerObjects
2020-05-24 10:14       4: FS19_Manitou_MC18_Container_atcContainerPlaceables
2020-05-24 10:14   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - [GlobalCompany > GC_languageManager]
2020-05-24 10:14     INFORMATION: '2' mod language XML files have been loaded successfully.
2020-05-24 10:14 Load mod: Light Control : v1.2.0.0 by ViperGTS96
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Could not register brand. Image is missing or empty!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_PolishPack.6211' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_PolishPack.1634' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_PolishPack.10540' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_PolishPack.3p' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 ---------------------------
2020-05-24 10:14 ----- REA by 900Hasse -----
2020-05-24 10:14 ---------------------------
2020-05-24 10:14 mod activated
2020-05-24 10:14 New REA functions loaded
2020-05-24 10:14 ----------------------------------------
2020-05-24 10:14 ----- REA Dynamic Dirt by 900Hasse -----
2020-05-24 10:14 ----------------------------------------
2020-05-24 10:14 REA Dynamic dirt mod activated
2020-05-24 10:14 Load mod: Real Dirt Fix : v1.1.0.0 by ViperGTS96
2020-05-24 10:14 Script: RealFillManureHeaps v19.0.0.0 loaded by Heady -
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_SicmaBronty.Bronty' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_SiloKingExtended.mixerWagonMulti' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14   Loading SpeedPlayer Mod...
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_StajaTrentPack.trentsystemeManureBarrel' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Add Specialization ( ToDi_Attachment ) - Info: We have successfully added specialization Into ( 11 / 120) of the vehicleTypes.
2020-05-24 10:14 Add Specialization ( ToDi_Vehicle ) - Info: We have successfully added specialization Into ( 26 / 120) of the vehicleTypes.
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_ursus_4cyl_4x2_pack.385' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_ursus_4cyl_4x2_pack.385' has unknown specialization 'RealisticSteering'!
2020-05-24 10:14 prerequisitesPresent is active
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'baseColor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'design'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'designColor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'vehicleType'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'RIDGEMARKER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'buyableGPS'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'cabColor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'weightColor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'weight2Color'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'wykladzina'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'blotnik'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'kokpit'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'kiera'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'weight1'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'dach'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'drzwi'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'szyba'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'attacherJoint'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'specialDesign'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'WEEDER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'fillUnit'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'COMBINECHOPPER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'COMBINESWATH'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'PLOW'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'SPRAYER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'CUTTER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'DEFAULT'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'AUXILIARY'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'motor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'frontloader'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'FORAGEWAGON'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'baseMaterial'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'designMaterial'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'wrappingColor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'powerTakeOff'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'trailer'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'FRUITPREPARER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'BALER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'tensionBelts'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'MOWER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'CULTIVATOR'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'atcSkinType'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'attacherJoints'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'aufbau'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'staukastenlinks'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'staukastenrechts'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'test'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'decal'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'decal2'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'fliegellogoColor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'fliegel'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'kiste'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'seitenverkleidungcolor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'achsen'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'Warnleuchte'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'kotflugel'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'coverColor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'wheel'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'rimColor'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'pipe'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'SOWINGMACHINE'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'WINDROWER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'TEDDER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register workAreaType 'ROLLER'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'cover'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'folding'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'buyableBaleAmount'
2020-05-24 10:14   Register configuration 'fillVolume'
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Index '0' not defined for configuration 'attacherJoint'!
2020-05-24 10:14 data/shared/connectionHoses/hoses.i3d (108.34 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/shared/connectionHoses/connectors.i3d (20.91 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/shared/connectionHoses/hoseMaterialHolder.i3d (3.63 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/objects/squarebales/baleStraw240.i3d (11.99 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/objects/squarebales/baleHay240.i3d (5.15 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/objects/squarebales/baleGrass240.i3d (4.73 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/objects/squarebales/kuhnSW4014/baleSilage240.i3d (8.58 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleStraw_w112_d130.i3d (11.57 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleHay_w112_d130.i3d (16.53 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleGrass_w112_d130.i3d (5.66 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleSilage_w112_d130.i3d (1.27 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/objects/cottonModules/cottonModule488.i3d (6.08 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/sky/sky.i3d (2.19 ms)
2020-05-24 10:14 data/sky/rain.i3d (5.31 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/mapDE.i3d (13496.04 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/wheat.i3d (33.70 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/grassDense.i3d (16.96 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/canola.i3d (15.22 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/barley.i3d (8.02 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/maize.i3d (35.55 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/decoFoliage.i3d (310.94 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/potato.i3d (17.48 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/potatoHaulm.i3d (3.43 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/sugarbeet.i3d (9.68 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/sugarbeetHaulm.i3d (2.68 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/sunflower.i3d (35.45 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/soybean.i3d (16.53 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/oilseedRadish.i3d (4.48 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/poplar.i3d (37.83 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/bush01.i3d (71.48 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 Info: transform group 'bush01' has elements very far out from the cell edge (29.61% expansion)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/oat.i3d (20.58 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/sugarCane.i3d (37.13 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/sugarCaneHaulm.i3d (3.03 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/cotton.i3d (22.14 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/foliage/weed.i3d (14.26 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/objects/basketball/basketball.i3d (8.28 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_AutoDrive/drawing/line.i3d (1.04 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_AutoDrive/drawing/arrow.i3d (0.44 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_AutoDrive/drawing/sphere_small.i3d (0.34 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_AutoDrive/drawing/sphere.i3d (0.56 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_AutoDrive/drawing/marker.i3d (10.80 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_AutoDrive/drawing/marker_2.i3d (7.25 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15   Info: [AutoDrive] Loaded mod version (by Stephan). Full version number:
2020-05-24 10:15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2020-05-24 10:15 FillType Mass Adjustment FS19 by modelleicher loaded.
2020-05-24 10:15 ...
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype UNKNOWN changed to 0 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype WHEAT changed to 0.79 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype BARLEY changed to 0.63 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype OAT changed to 0.49 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype CANOLA changed to 0.72 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SUNFLOWER changed to 0.35 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SOYBEAN changed to 0.7 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype MAIZE changed to 0.8 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype POTATO changed to 0.73 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SUGARBEET changed to 0.74 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype COTTON changed to 0.21 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SUGARCANE changed to 0.19 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SEEDS changed to 0.35 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype EGG changed to 0.01 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype WOOL changed to 0.2 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype MILK changed to 1.02 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype FUEL changed to 0.8 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype WATER changed to 1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype FORAGE changed to 0.32 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype FORAGE_MIXING changed to 0.285 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype CHAFF changed to 0.46 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype TREESAPLINGS changed to 0.2 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype WOODCHIPS changed to 0.36 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SILAGE changed to 0.7 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype OILSEEDRADISH changed to 0.75 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype POPLAR changed to 0.45 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype GRASS changed to 0.35 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype GRASS_WINDROW changed to 0.35 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype DRYGRASS changed to 0.07 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype DRYGRASS_WINDROW changed to 0.07 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype STRAW changed to 0.04 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype DIESEL changed to 0.84 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype DEF changed to 1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype AIR changed to 0 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype ROUNDBALE changed to 150 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype ROUNDBALE_GRASS changed to 150 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype ROUNDBALE_DRYGRASS changed to 150 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype ROUNDBALE_WHEAT changed to 150 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype ROUNDBALE_BARLEY changed to 150 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SQUAREBALE changed to 150 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SQUAREBALE_WHEAT changed to 150 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SQUAREBALE_BARLEY changed to 150 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype FERTILIZER changed to 1.1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype LIQUIDFERTILIZER changed to 1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype MANURE changed to 0.79 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype LIQUIDMANURE changed to 0.98 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype DIGESTATE changed to 0.5 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype PIGFOOD changed to 0.61 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype TARP changed to 0 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype LIME changed to 1.1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype HERBICIDE changed to 1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype WEED changed to 1.5 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype HORSE_TYPE_BEIGE changed to 0.65 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype HORSE_TYPE_BLACK changed to 0.65 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype HORSE_TYPE_BROWN changed to 0.65 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype HORSE_TYPE_BROWN_WHITE changed to 0.65 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype HORSE_TYPE_DARK_BROWN changed to 0.65 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype HORSE_TYPE_GREY changed to 0.65 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype HORSE_TYPE_LIGHT_BROWN changed to 0.65 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype HORSE_TYPE_RED_BROWN changed to 0.65 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype COW_TYPE_BROWN changed to 0.68 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype COW_TYPE_BROWN_WHITE changed to 0.68 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype COW_TYPE_BLACK changed to 0.68 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype COW_TYPE_BLACK_WHITE changed to 0.68 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype COW_TYPE_BRAHMAN_BROWN changed to 0.7 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype COW_TYPE_BRAHMAN_WHITE changed to 0.7 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype COW_TYPE_BRAHMAN_LIGHT_BROWN changed to 0.7 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype COW_TYPE_BRAHMAN_GREY changed to 0.7 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SHEEP_TYPE_WHITE changed to 0.1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SHEEP_TYPE_BROWN changed to 0.1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SHEEP_TYPE_BLACK_WHITE changed to 0.1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype SHEEP_TYPE_BLACK changed to 0.1 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype PIG_TYPE_RED changed to 0.3 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype PIG_TYPE_WHITE changed to 0.3 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype PIG_TYPE_BLACK_WHITE changed to 0.3 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype PIG_TYPE_BLACK changed to 0.3 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype CHICKEN_TYPE_BLACK changed to 0.002 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype CHICKEN_TYPE_WHITE changed to 0.002 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype CHICKEN_TYPE_BROWN changed to 0.002 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 Fillable mass of Filltype CHICKEN_TYPE_ROOSTER changed to 0.002 tons per m³ (or Piece) (according to real mass table)
2020-05-24 10:15 FillTypeMassAdjustment all fillType mass values have been updated. Note: This Log entry should only exist once, if you have several of these please check to make sure you don't have several FillTypeMassAdjustment Versions in your Modfolder.
2020-05-24 10:15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2020-05-24 10:15 --> loaded IndoorCamFirst version (by Stephan) <--
2020-05-24 10:15 --> loaded RealisticSteering version (by Stephan) <--
2020-05-24 10:15 Disabled withering
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/stoll/stollFrontLoaderFZ/stollFrontLoaderFZ.i3d (39.92 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/store/ui/shop.i3d (168.64 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/materialHolders/glowEffectMaterialHolder.i3d (0.69 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/store/ui/cube.i3d (1.35 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/store/ui/sphere.i3d (2.76 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/stoll/stollToolShovel/stollToolShovel.i3d (58.21 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/rostselmash/161/161.i3d (316.62 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/extinguisher.i3d (10.41 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/hubs/hubs.i3d (120.36 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/particleSystems/shared/wheelEmitterShape.i3d (2.28 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TM2000/R32_TM2000.i3d (29.86 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/rims/rim001.i3d (11.80 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TH400/R24_TH400.i3d (31.96 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/particleSystems/shared/exhaust.i3d (3.46 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight02.i3d (6.61 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/capello/diamantHS8/diamantHS8.i3d (123.14 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/powerTakeOffs/walterscheidW.i3d (14.65 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/kroeger/TKD302/TKD302.i3d (207.69 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChockSupport01.i3d (6.04 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChock01.i3d (6.52 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TwinRadial/R22_5_TwinRadial.i3d (15.87 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rear3ChamberLight_01.i3d (48.48 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker_01.i3d (6.09 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker_04Orange.i3d (25.00 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_CressoniCRX/720.i3d (553.53 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/strautmann/zelonCFS2501DO/zelonCFS2501DO.i3d (154.44 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/hubs/hubSmall01.i3d (4.07 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/AW309/R17_AW309.i3d (32.51 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/T510/R08_T510.i3d (9.68 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearPlateNumberLight_01.i3d (5.76 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLightSquare_02.i3d (7.71 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rear4ChamberLight_01.i3d (3.94 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/yellowRound_03.i3d (4.30 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redTriangle_01.i3d (1.10 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker_03.i3d (5.08 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/powerTakeOffs/walterscheidWWZ.i3d (5.60 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/fs19_autoloadpack/SEK802.i3d (104.90 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/masseyFerguson/MF7700/MF7700.i3d (230.93 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TM900/R30_TM900.i3d (22.00 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TM900/R42_TM900.i3d (5.71 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid03.i3d (7.92 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/toolbar.i3d (3.65 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid01.i3d (2.04 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/kuhn/kuhnDC401/kuhnDC401.i3d (22.61 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/kuhn/kuhnHR4004/kuhnHR4004.i3d (155.39 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/frontLightRectangle_01.i3d (5.48 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/kuhn/kuhnBTF4000/kuhnBTF4000.i3d (118.90 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rear2ChamberLight_01.i3d (8.28 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/kuhn/kuhnTF1500/kuhnTF1500.i3d (82.98 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/T421/R12_T421.i3d (9.27 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redRound_01.i3d (1.15 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLightOval_02.i3d (4.42 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rear2ChamberLight_02.i3d (5.53 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_pioneerPallets/fertilizer/pioneerPallet.i3d (13.99 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_KuhnAxis402Plus/kuhnAxis402.i3d (124.53 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_KuhnAxis402Plus/wheels/Wheels.i3d (0.56 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/agco/weight1500/weight1500.i3d (63.01 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_eggPallet/eggPallet.i3d (36.83 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/fendt/favorit500/favorit500.i3d (385.04 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TM700/R28_TM700.i3d (35.88 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TM700/R38_TM700.i3d (4.44 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_SulkyX50econov/X50.i3d (173.35 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rear3ChamberLight_03.i3d (5.49 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker_06Red.i3d (3.24 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker_06White.i3d (1.93 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/objects/bigBagContainer/bigBagContainer.i3d (53.19 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/poettinger/poettingerNovaCat301/poettingerNovaCat301.i3d (113.37 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/vehicles/einboeck/rotation1200/rotation1200.i3d (148.18 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rear2ChamberLight_05.i3d (8.78 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_joskinAquaTrans7300/joskinAquaTrans7300.i3d (257.63 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/T404/R22_5_T404.i3d (31.35 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearMultipointLight_03.i3d (6.48 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/bigTriangle.i3d (4.06 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Fertilizer_Lime_Pallets/KalkPallet.i3d (7.36 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/objects/pallets/woolPallet/woolPallet.i3d (5.99 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sellingStations/sellingStationWool.i3d (0.22 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sellingStations/sellingStationVehicles3.i3d (0.68 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/cow_enclosure/husbandryCowSmall4.i3d (76.07 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/storageSilo/storageSilo2.i3d (52.07 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 data/placeables/animalHusbandry/husbandryHorseSmall.i3d (56.90 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sheep/sheep2.i3d (31.50 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/bga/bga.i3d (1.55 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sellingStations/sellingStationGeneric2.i3d (0.59 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/manure/liquidManureStorage.i3d (19.91 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sellingStations/sellingStationVehicles4.i3d (0.52 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_fuelTank5000/fueltank5000.i3d (142.49 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sellingStations/sellingStationWoodChips.i3d (0.41 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/light/shed2.i3d (7.57 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sellingStations/sellingStationGeneric.i3d (0.24 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/Pig_enclosure/husbandryPigSmall2.i3d (50.18 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/Bunker_silo_medium_/bunkerSiloMediumDouble.i3d (25.68 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/light/shed1.i3d (36.15 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sellingStations/sellingStationVehicles.i3d (0.32 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/gasStation/gasStation.i3d (0.25 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sellingStations/sellingStationWood.i3d (0.31 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/Chicken_enclosure/husbandryChickenSmall.i3d (9.17 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/light/farmMansion.i3d (1.33 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/cow_enclosure/husbandryCowSmall3.i3d (74.41 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm/maps/placeables/sellingStations/sellingStationBales.i3d (0.32 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 dataS2/character/humans/player/player01.i3d (705.49 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15   Setting 'Radio Volume': 0
2020-05-24 10:15   Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 0.40000000596046
2020-05-24 10:15   Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.69999998807907
2020-05-24 10:15   Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.5
2020-05-24 10:15   Info: Savegame Setting 'dirtInterval': 3
2020-05-24 10:15   Info: Savegame Setting 'plantGrowthRate': 4
2020-05-24 10:15   Info: Savegame Setting 'fuelUsageLow': false
2020-05-24 10:15   Info: Savegame Setting 'plowingRequiredEnabled': true
2020-05-24 10:15   Info: Savegame Setting 'weedsEnabled': true
2020-05-24 10:15   Info: Savegame Setting 'limeRequired': true
2020-05-24 10:15   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - [GC_AddOnIcon] - [FS19_GlobalCompanyAddOn_Icons]
2020-05-24 10:15     INFORMATION: no icon found for filltype = luprosil !! -- iconname should be
2020-05-24 10:15   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - [GC_AddOnIcon] - [FS19_GlobalCompanyAddOn_Icons]
2020-05-24 10:15     INFORMATION: no small icon found for filltype = luprosil !! -- iconname should be
2020-05-24 10:15 Global REA variables loaded
2020-05-24 10:15 REA Dynamic dirt: Found by REA
2020-05-24 10:15 dataS2/character/crow/crow.i3d (24.32 ms)
2020-05-24 10:15 C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_READynamicDirt/water.i3d (1.38 ms)
2020-05-24 10:16 ------------------------------------
2020-05-24 10:16 REA Dynamic dirt
2020-05-24 10:16 Number of lowspots created: 213
2020-05-24 10:16 Scantime lowspots(seconds): 28.250588946385
2020-05-24 10:16 ------------------------------------
2020-05-24 10:16 REA Dynamic dirt: Scan completed detected by REA
2020-05-24 10:20 Game saved successfully.
Physics System
  Version: 5.9.5
  Thread(s): 2
Input System
  Keyboard enabled
  Mouse enabled
  Gamepad/Joystick enabled
  Force Feedback disabled
      Number of Axes: 6
      Number of Buttons: 14
Audio System
  Driver: SoftMixer WASAPI Stereo
  Version: 2018.11
  Frequency: 48000
  Max. active sources: 256
Render System
  Driver: Direct 3D 11
  Card Vendor: Intel Corporation
  Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
  Version: (9.6.2017)
  Revision: 9
  Feature level: DirectX 11
  Windowed Mode : off
  V-Sync        : on
  Effective Window Resolution:  1280 x 720
Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
Hardware Profile
  Level: High (forced)
  View Distance Factor: 1.100000
  Shadow Quality: 1.000000 Base-Size: 2048 Filter-Size: 16 Shadow Focus Box false
  Shader Quality: 2
  Skip Mipmaps: 0
  LOD Distance Factor: 1.100000
  Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.500000
  Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes
  Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.400000
  Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.850000
  Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 2.000000
  Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 3
  Max. Number of Lights: 512
  Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
  MSAA: 2
  Bloom Quality: 4
  SSAO Quality: 12
  DOF: Enabled
  Cloud Quality: 3
  EnvMap Blending: Enabled
  Setting 'Master Volume': 1
  Setting 'Is Train Tabbable': true
  Setting 'Radio Vehicle Only': true
  Setting 'Radio Active': false
  Setting 'Use Colorblind Mode': false
  Setting 'Easy Arm Control': true
  Setting 'Show Trigger Marker': true
  Setting 'Show Field-Info': true
  Setting 'Invert Y-Look': false
  Setting 'Show Help Icons': true
  Setting 'Radio Volume': 0
  Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 0.40000000596046
  Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.69999998807907
  Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.5
  Setting 'Master Volume': 1
  Setting 'Music Volume': 0
Farming Simulator 19 (Steam)
  Version: b6732
  Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr
  Language: it
  Time: 2020-05-24 10:20:46
dataS2/character/humans/characterAnimation.i3d (379.05 ms)
dataS2/character/humans/pedestrians/pedestrianAnimation.i3d (126.92 ms)
Load mod: FS19_holmerPack (Version: (Hash: def22884bd1b63522320edd01ccc3628)
Load mod: CSS_kuhnHR4004_front (Version: (Hash: 0348b82122a63df924788303825fbd4c)
Load mod: F19_ClaasLexion700Serie_v4 (Version: (Hash: 513c9925cc512eb0df32dd638b969059)
Load mod: fiat451c_v3 (Version: 1) (Hash: 28ea94c1689c4226320d6b425b8dd22a)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod fiat451c_v3
Load mod: FS17_bdForageNChips (Version: (Hash: b253fcabc5eb94fc11dddaf8c736e7c2)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod FS17_bdForageNChips
Load mod: FS17_GameExtension (Version: (Hash: 3d7960caccbdd344069f1983e4dbdacf)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod FS17_GameExtension
Load mod: FS19_additionalFieldInfo (Version: (Hash: 9be03af99dbc355cacf6a28c9d421e40)
Load mod: FS19_Agpro (Version: (Hash: 06931978759cd3fbc610f7ee6f47935c)
Load mod: FS19_AgroLift_GRM_ZNS (Version: (Hash: ff4e03dba39764c6907bac7410beb69c)
Load mod: FS19_AgroMasz_BM_SP (Version: (Hash: 2934fdcee9489cd1455ae689882673d3)
Load mod: FS19_AgromataxFertiMax (Version: (Hash: 526e5e0538a31353b16b83fd094baccd)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneADP303Super (Version: (Hash: b3c49c36ca48fb81e990674f32f56d3e)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneD8_40 (Version: (Hash: 963b7aafed3c6895e58ccf17bc16947d)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneD9Pack (Version: (Hash: 31fa46da4a42deacfaa93943d68080a9)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneZAM (Version: (Hash: 1fd5d350ba4db5ceff192075b4d9deae)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneZAU (Version: (Hash: e4670ad894953a3840c6bd2256c62405)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneZAX1402 (Version: (Hash: e460f63557364e9b140be46fb08dd2b9)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneZGB55_8200 (Version: (Hash: 28afcc3e66e3b4be1edbb4bd4a3a1a8f)
Load mod: FS19_AutoDrive (Version: (Hash: 308a29c526a348ec608a5ee28d79ea73)
Load mod: fs19_autoloadpack (Version: 2.0) (Hash: 41153692732d1df44aaebe7fa1852210)
Load mod: FS19_barnPack (Version: (Hash: ee49bd87d74441d2f96bff75d3fdffb7)
Load mod: FS19_BatimentStockagePlacable (Version: (Hash: 40a0df1504539274a414c1a440be1fab)
Load mod: FS19_bredalF2WS4000 (Version: (Hash: 6632e65cc5df99247ed2de889ddc5b53)
Load mod: FS19_brunsMBA12000 (Version: (Hash: 7b641f5d149ca8e8a4c5feea6879e7d4)
Load mod: FS19_CaseIH_Ecolo_Til_2500 (Version: (Hash: 98a7a79d6a77f5ebcb381423987f21dc)
Load mod: FS19_CressoniCRX (Version: (Hash: 947c0be3a0ef8ab521ffddf75d352619)
Load mod: FS19_cultivatorFieldCreator (Version: (Hash: 1655eba945d491e9499295e1e3ea57b9)
Load mod: FS19_Deleks_pack (Version: 1.0.0) (Hash: 7b19465664236c6d3c473a521d45e39b)
Load mod: FS19_Duro_France_Bi_Poutre (Version: (Hash: fba1fb9c53dba286f90a66db062d8c33)
Load mod: FS19_eggPallet (Version: (Hash: 6f3e45bf75c06547558cdeaa37449b20)
Load mod: FS19_ExampleMill (Version: (Hash: 4fec5471c2bb078902d32ae6fe4ff7ed)
Load mod: FS19_farmSiloSmall (Version: (Hash: 737480ed39e88237dc61be0e3476be27)
Load mod: FS19_Fertilizer_Lime_Pallets (Version: (Hash: d19c82e7bfb6267417f87b4a9bdb7a24)
Load mod: FS19_FillLevelLimiter (Version: (Hash: b3525c23578b6d76d2196236b16a0c76)
Load mod: FS19_FilllevelWarning (Version: (Hash: e8eb96293c4be913d60bf41c44067409)
Load mod: FS19_fillTypeMassAdjustmentRealistic (Version: (Hash: c7abfc36ea515f8ec005b4d86ab58147)
Load mod: FS19_forwardSpeedLimiter (Version: (Hash: f788caa7221c761b0595e3ce9656cef1)
Load mod: FS19_FrenchSheds (Version: (Hash: 54b37416c3454529259c4ed9035415e8)
Load mod: FS19_FruitTrees_console (Version: (Hash: 32f334b7f06deed377d48b30ab0b06ca)
Load mod: FS19_fuelTank5000 (Version: (Hash: 31731c938306272c11adc57febc1ebae)
Load mod: FS19_FullStop (Version: (Hash: 825ceb27087f4d588e77124e4d5f8c98)
Load mod: FS19_GASPARDO_NINA_300 (Version: (Hash: fb727541aef5fe4a3310d5f0e7800662)
Load mod: FS19_GEO_Central_Italy (Version: (Hash: 187ea5caeb46f0b92ba4ea498fb9c753)
Load mod: FS19_gilibertHelios_15 (Version: (Hash: 3a9ef026f8bdce

Offline Luca Costa

  • *
  • Contadino
  • ***
  • Post: 811
    • Fiatagri
  • Località: Latina
« Risposta #1 il: 24 Maggio 2020, 11:34:10 »
ciao, prima di tutto toglie queste mod sono per il 17:

Load mod: fiat451c_v3 (Version: 1) (Hash: 28ea94c1689c4226320d6b425b8dd22a)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod fiat451c_v3
dataS2/character/humans/characterAnimation.i3d (182.41 ms)
Load mod: FS17_bdForageNChips (Version: (Hash: b253fcabc5eb94fc11dddaf8c736e7c2)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod FS17_bdForageNChips
Load mod: FS17_GameExtension (Version: (Hash: 3d7960caccbdd344069f1983e4dbdacf)
dataS2/character/humans/pedestrians/pedestrianAnimation.i3d (67.22 ms)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod FS17_GameExtension

da eliminare anche questi:

Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Graphic_Mod/modDesc.xml'.
Load mod: FS19_Graphic_Mod (Hash: c12a4bde1c5072497d1170e64752d7b0)
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod FS19_Graphic_Mod

Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Prefab_DecoPack/modDesc.xml'.
Load mod: FS19_Prefab_DecoPack (Hash: eba3e527ba742c24c96f213511c600d2)
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod FS19_Prefab_DecoPack

controlla che non sia un formato rar oppure un archivio che contiene altri archivi in formato zip

Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Utente/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/OPEN_ME_ITALIA_RICE_GEO/modDesc.xml'.
Load mod: OPEN_ME_ITALIA_RICE_GEO (Hash: 1bac4210add19b15cc96553af8ea7fa7)
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod OPEN_ME_ITALIA_RICE_GEO

anche questi:

2020-05-24 10:14 Warning: Could not register brand. Image is missing or empty!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_PolishPack.6211' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_PolishPack.1634' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_PolishPack.10540' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_PolishPack.3p' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!

2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_SicmaBronty.Bronty' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_SiloKingExtended.mixerWagonMulti' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14   Loading SpeedPlayer Mod...
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_StajaTrentPack.trentsystemeManureBarrel' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Add Specialization ( ToDi_Attachment ) - Info: We have successfully added specialization Into ( 11 / 120) of the vehicleTypes.
2020-05-24 10:14 Add Specialization ( ToDi_Vehicle ) - Info: We have successfully added specialization Into ( 26 / 120) of the vehicleTypes.
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_ursus_4cyl_4x2_pack.385' has unknown specialization 'lightControl'!
2020-05-24 10:14 Error: Vehicle type 'FS19_ursus_4cyl_4x2_pack.385' has unknown specialization 'RealisticSteering'!

dato che usi una GEO sei sicuro che le piante siano pronte per la raccolta? anche se dalle texture potrebbe sembrare di si, controlla se sia effettivamente così, oltre al fatto che se sono umide non te le fa raccogliere, ma in quel caso compare una scritta a monitor che ti avverte.

consiglio, cancella tutte le mod che non usi, fai una bella pulizia che hai il log bello infestato di "gramigna".
Motherboard: Gigabyte AORUS x570 Elite
Alimentatore: Corsair RM1000
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 4.8Ghz
RAM: DDR4 32gb xFury
Storage: Samsung 970pro 1TB + WD Black 1TB
S.Video: nVidia RTX 3070Ti

Offline gas

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« Risposta #2 il: 25 Maggio 2020, 16:28:42 »
Grazie! Luca! pulizia fatta e problema risolto! :)

Offline Luca Costa

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« Risposta #3 il: 28 Maggio 2020, 19:42:49 »
di nulla, alla fine hai capito dove era il problema?
Motherboard: Gigabyte AORUS x570 Elite
Alimentatore: Corsair RM1000
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 4.8Ghz
RAM: DDR4 32gb xFury
Storage: Samsung 970pro 1TB + WD Black 1TB
S.Video: nVidia RTX 3070Ti