blocco nella schermata di caricamento

  • 3 Risposte
  • 664 Visite

Offline xTino

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  • Post: 6
    • Fendt
  • Località: napoli
« il: 08 Maggio 2020, 10:23:29 »
ciao mi potreste aiutare ?
carica, poi quando devo premere invio per iniziare si blocca.
[spoiler]GIANTS Engine Runtime 8.0.0 (21152:21157) 64bit EpicStore (Build Date: Jan 29 2020)
Copyright (c) 2008-2019, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2019, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: FarmingSimulator2019
Main System
  CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor           
  Memory: 16318 MB
  OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
Physics System
  Version: 5.9.5
  Thread(s): 2
Input System
  Keyboard enabled
  Mouse enabled
  Gamepad/Joystick enabled
  Force Feedback disabled
Audio System
  Driver: SoftMixer WASAPI Stereo
  Version: 2018.11
  Frequency: 48000
  Max. active sources: 256
Render System
  Driver: Direct 3D 11
  Card Vendor: AMD/ATI
  Renderer: Radeon RX 580 Series
  Version: 26.20.15019.19000 (28.2.2020)
  Revision: 231
  Feature level: DirectX 11
  Windowed Mode : off
  V-Sync        : on
  Effective Window Resolution:  1280 x 720
Started 3 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
Hardware Profile
  Level: Very High (forced)
  View Distance Factor: 1.300000
  Shadow Quality: 2.000000 Base-Size: 2048 Filter-Size: 16 Shadow Focus Box true
  Shader Quality: 3
  Skip Mipmaps: 0
  LOD Distance Factor: 1.300000
  Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 2.000000
  Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes
  Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.600000
  Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.750000
  Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 4.000000
  Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 5
  Max. Number of Lights: 512
  Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
  MSAA: 4
  Bloom Quality: 5
  SSAO Quality: 15
  DOF: Enabled
  Cloud Quality: 4
  EnvMap Blending: Enabled
[EpicStoreManager] Login Success - Epic ID: ee2afacd15cd415eb17e6c45e4943ae0
[EpicStoreManager] Query Ownership complete
[EpicStoreManager] Query Ownership error: 0
  Setting 'Master Volume': 1
  Setting 'Is Train Tabbable': false
  Setting 'Radio Vehicle Only': true
  Setting 'Radio Active': false
  Setting 'Use Colorblind Mode': false
  Setting 'Easy Arm Control': true
  Setting 'Show Trigger Marker': true
  Setting 'Show Field-Info': true
  Setting 'Invert Y-Look': false
  Setting 'Show Help Icons': true
  Setting 'Radio Volume': 0.5
  Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 1
  Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.80000001192093
  Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.5
  Setting 'Master Volume': 1
  Setting 'Music Volume': 0.69999998807907
Farming Simulator 19 (Epic)
  Version: b8495
  Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr
  Language: it
  Time: 2020-05-08 10:03:28
dataS2/character/humans/characterAnimation.i3d (79.55 ms)
dataS2/character/humans/pedestrians/pedestrianAnimation.i3d (30.61 ms)
Load dlc: pdlc_andersonPack (Version: (Hash: 5f80c1d76b1adeadba21204a64187da8)
Info: No license for dlc pdlc_bourgaultPack.
Info: No license for dlc pdlc_claasPack.
Info: No license for dlc pdlc_johnDeereCottonPack.
Load mod: Carrot_Factory (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 402e8342dad454aef2e3d5f9d7b9a5ce)
Load mod: CSS_rapide8400W_100K (Version: (Hash: 586d5962180e52ba9683c39d68563c77)
Load mod: Flower_Factory (Version: 1.0) (Hash: c562b24cd98cf46d8400cef72a98562e)
Load mod: FS19PlaceAnywhere_master (Version: 1.2) (Hash: 5f64156fd4a61af89634a4d00f758f20)
Load mod: FS19_2680H (Version: (Hash: a701803ccb428ff4f79fe24f7be7e70a)
Load mod: FS19_5th_Pack (Version: (Hash: dbdb421a98b1f275d6358920d1262974)
Load mod: FS19_7R_Series (Version: (Hash: 3969a967a8201708f7bb15b1ab2d57e2)
Load mod: FS19_8R_EU (Version: (Hash: 13ce9497312fdad850da49b1c487baa3)
Load mod: FS19_additionalFieldInfo (Version: (Hash: 9be03af99dbc355cacf6a28c9d421e40)
Load mod: FS19_addon_strawHarvest (Version: (Hash: 1d15f60600f67db89fc72447145539f4)
Load mod: FS19_AgcoHighDensityBaler (Version: (Hash: 642f164d9be8b8d9f8c43ef2a858d253)
Load mod: FS19_AgroPack_Vol1 (Version: (Hash: a6c1412427b7f991c8a09e2ee91de010)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneUX5200 (Version: (Hash: a85de2ed7b9170923a597c6aa38833a4)
Load mod: FS19_amazoneZAU (Version: (Hash: e4670ad894953a3840c6bd2256c62405)
Load mod: FS19_AnimalScreenExtended (Version: (Hash: f0ba3061b1aa3b437b8a7b7f563ea6c0)
Load mod: FS19_autoloadFork (Version: (Hash: 45aa9d9177682409d68278fa19689dbd)
Load mod: FS19_balesAutoload (Version: (Hash: bcf93c38cd9c2dd1d75b3c4593cc0fd0)
Load mod: FS19_BaleStacks (Version: (Hash: 380847694bf9c5dbc9219927c0619ffe)
Load mod: FS19_Bale_Gripper_Spino (Version: (Hash: 9e559e1ffff91fa865effe9f08c791ac)
Load mod: fs19_bale_sales_placable (Version: 1.0) (Hash: a2475e4e4dd49d5858930b03910306da)
Load mod: FS19_bigBud450 (Version: (Hash: 3f2e12669d1dccb024c52e7412ba8dbe)
Load mod: FS19_Biobeltz_LW_Bucket (Version: (Hash: efea6b2caa129e6eeb9406898abb2a4a)
Load mod: FS19_BossiniB280 (Version: (Hash: 8decfa2e3187a25b1d33f7e583994510)
Load mod: FS19_BossiniB350 (Version: (Hash: 3dfcb94275f4e3e99ed2bcf99690b33b)
Load mod: FS19_bresselUndLadeShovelPack (Version: (Hash: 69a370c12ff7fe0ffa79d683bece9937)
Load mod: FS19_brickstonestilesheds (Version: (Hash: 3910fc0b5e2df5ff7007dad901143f12)
Load mod: FS19_brunsMBA12000 (Version: (Hash: 7b641f5d149ca8e8a4c5feea6879e7d4)
Load mod: FS19_bunkerSiloSet (Version: (Hash: 9033544cb4dc2a71dc7ed3c870da4051)
Load mod: FS19_caruelleNicolasStilla460 (Version: (Hash: 2db2abeb34c56cc4e15d4851615776fe)
Load mod: FS19_CaseIH_Farmlift_935 (Version: (Hash: 758c6935754251651650708e3614393f)
Load mod: FS19_Case_IH_490 (Version: (Hash: ca477065b33b8caf305185132dd81f40)
Load mod: FS19_chickenCoop (Version: (Hash: ec2bd690c55c9a1a1b50d63b2fe8b64d)
Load mod: FS19_claasAxion900TT (Version: (Hash: 48b986a34a82b88ed49a7ea3a137f356)
Load mod: FS19_ClaasMega208 (Version: (Hash: 82c9c1c4893820e0a9ac0e8686a4fd63)
Load mod: FS19_CLAAS_Axion_900 (Version: (Hash: 2ea33d3664586500e4d242491cfa03d7)
Load mod: FS19_Climber10 (Version: (Hash: 5ab734d8e664186210785db72c63d21f)
Load mod: FS19_compositeHallPack (Version: (Hash: 70120c88a22af7fb9cbddb5e09f7d2e2)
Load mod: FS19_D754_Truck (Version: (Hash: 030c0df4a4ec847ff7cbeeeab22fc0e8)
Load mod: FS19_deutzSeries7 (Version: (Hash: a42eef1e4b2094f4ad2a5115ae274707)
Load mod: FS19_DeutzWrapmaster4044 (Version: (Hash: 56278a5c237dda3bc7a59112204caa82)
Load mod: fs19_Dnestr (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 3da4a2236a8c1a077ec9b40623bcf031)
Load mod: FS19_Eagle355th_Newholland_Pack_VE (Version: (Hash: b22d58c8dd6095a04a1b8968f7630504)
Load mod: FS19_EDGE_Multi_Selling_Station (Version: (Hash: 1011c0b873ebbdd3fac0289b30685152)
Load mod: FS19_EggStorage (Version: (Hash: f4e6a978917047b9699bbca4a4f78d66)
Load mod: FS19_EstanciaLapacho (Version: (Hash: 23fd5035239cfc8c38c15a829691cab7)
Load mod: FS19_farmBuildingsPack (Version: (Hash: c566d2f4367a250d23521991e2274f72)
Load mod: FS19_Fence_Placeable (Version: (Hash: 446568b4bffa95b8e2cf9667066d2d10)
Load mod: FS19_Fendt_Cargo (Version: (Hash: 1760f1d4221c4440e1e2eaf1ac807c00)
Load mod: FS19_Fendt_Favorit_509 (Version: (Hash: 6ce3546457300807a9ccdcb9b5fc5fbb)
Load mod: fs19_fendt_pack_fm (Version: (Hash: 17dacb1f0a6d95b5286f5a11cfb1bb87)
Load mod: FS19_Ferguson_Pack (Version: (Hash: b352e9c02f9ba003e52d2b2351af5f48)
Load mod: FS19_Fiat1355C (Version: (Hash: 1903dbf0fdfe081047ab849a684fc512)
Load mod: FS19_Fiat6566 (Version: (Hash: c73dc767388446490682e482f15f977e)
Load mod: FS19_FIAT80Series (Version: (Hash: a26832fb30d48cc92269cbc643ae4dcf)
Load mod: FS19_Fiatagri160_55 (Version: (Hash: bbe965c5ea5a428ff6fc92a13417a8c7)
Load mod: FS19_Fiatagri180_90 (Version: (Hash: 7e373d05f7cfff139f4d83d177379a19)
Load mod: FS19_FilllevelWarning (Version: (Hash: e8eb96293c4be913d60bf41c44067409)
Load mod: FS19_FilltriggerConveyorBelt (Version: (Hash: bad2c57352f3ef636676c84ab5ec9113)
Load mod: FS19_flieglFlatbed (Version: (Hash: 385f16ac7f79e567de8a6b3069f4c348)
Load mod: FS19_FlieglTimberRunnerWideAutoloadWood (Version: (Hash: e10ff40943bf722252ac99dc7c9cbdee)
Load mod: FS19_flieglTPWSet (Version: (Hash: 1b1380cb03e00518e196bd8d8daae1dd)
Load mod: FS19_FollowMe (Version: (Hash: e399c9089ef81c9179a21a215170f672)
Load mod: FS19_Ford_40_Series_Pack (Version: (Hash: 2c56ebfd02ca7828a004e5323eda532c)
Load mod: FS19_Fork_Lizard_Claws (Version: (Hash: adafbcc37a12680281e05b8fe4a3eef2)
Load mod: FS19_Frandent_SP50 (Version: (Hash: a4ba5da3753e193e21bc1fc7a6d64ecc)
Load mod: FS19_FrenchSheds (Version: (Hash: 54b37416c3454529259c4ed9035415e8)
Load mod: FS19_Gallignani_5690_S3 (Version: (Hash: 8f9d2a26ee52073bf9f42cea758c9901)
Load mod: FS19_GC_baleStoragePlaceable (Version: (Hash: b995391038c02f260afcfff43e38b5ac)
Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'function_strawbalestorage' in 'C:/Users/Tino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_GC_baleStoragePlaceable/languages/l10n_en.xml'. Ignoring this definition.
Load mod: FS19_GlobalCompany (Version: (Hash: d9561695b4e6eb9e44a523fc4f23353b)
Load mod: FS19_GlobalCompanyAddOn_Icons (Version: (Hash: 3ba928d2f123122e081e505aba155ee4)
Load mod: FS19_GlobalCompanyPlaceable_BGA_GrimmeBeetBeater (Version: (Hash: 47b5474f5c5ad7f972a942d4bdec9d9f)
Load mod: FS19_GlobalCompanyPlaceable_Sorter (Version: (Hash: c8a9e1151042e8c9ae5f49c0d2ec62e5)
Load mod: FS19_GreenRiver2019 (Version: (Hash: eba696d70042fa5247e8c0c398682f94)
Load mod: FS19_gueldnerG75_pack (Version: (Hash: 205f7b9879fc31808a128e28b7bb8c71)
Load mod: FS19_H480 (Version: (Hash: 552a91bf219ac128880061a5a1adcce3)
Load mod: FS19_HalaPack (Version: (Hash: b954803e779228ee755e787917a8d133)
Load mod: FS19_halftimberedBarn (Version: (Hash: 8dde314666b642f10b11d6f28c1d3f12)
Load mod: FS19_halls_304050m (Version: (Hash: 3cd195404afbe04c5fefc2680f840bb2)
Load mod: FS19_HandPlantSaplings (Version: (Hash: c50faf913c15ed3525d93c6905411db7)
Load mod: FS19_Hardi_Navigator_6000_Row_Crop (Version: (Hash: cd1fbcdfdac95a3a1c52f668cd555b16)
Load mod: FS19_HesstonBaler (Version: (Hash: 630f576d12f2a99d304b02da52039950)
Load mod: FS19_holmerPack (Version: (Hash: def22884bd1b63522320edd01ccc3628)
Load mod: FS19_horschPack (Version: (Hash: f3e2f764087e1a916d2608a2c5625548)
Load mod: FS19_horschTiger10LT (Version: (Hash: 3a849b23a375b7ab8bd6ef57008cacc8)
Load mod: FS19_horsebox (Version: (Hash: c569ebc9ec80204ce5b5882fc781ad2a)
Load mod: FS19_huerlimannH488 (Version: (Hash: d8fd23f61c03721309a66ee5c5ac4205)
Load mod: fs19_hw60_11_mit_sa_29_strohaufbau (Version: 1.0) (Hash: cfa9b864f27579602951389d354ef336)
Load mod: FS19_InGroundStorage (Version: (Hash: f28c9f5e6f95768fdf90a692f4d3628b)
Load mod: FS19_internationalHarvester_33_Series (Version: (Hash: 02e0fbde0bbf4b8bf3213e035828f266)
Load mod: FS19_itRunner_silos (Version: (Hash: e7a54f9c5d031e82d7dead8ffc05476f)
Load mod: FS19_jcb435S (Version: (Hash: f9bbe047a00900fe22573701f0a5b9f3)
Load mod: FS19_jcb435sT4F (Version: (Hash: fbc42847c5f6cddd9fd123dc2ad04f08)
Load mod: FS19_jcbSkidSteer (Version: (Hash: 856cae72af19cfaa641f72e966ab276f)
Load mod: FS19_JD6030Premium_v2 (Version: (Hash: 285dd661c333f76a1d7c20823e04922f)
Load mod: FS19_JD7430_7530P (Version: (Hash: a478f6cad80d6cf4ff204e1d6c87b0db)
Load mod: FS19_JD8030Serie_v3 (Version: (Hash: ab6174e148b8d859d6a076d323c81ba5)
Load mod: FS19_JD8350 (Version: (Hash: 982f794d405bcbab815ff772caf16d1b)
Load mod: FS19_JD_cornHeaders (Version: (Hash: 94eea6a45afda6e5b551eb9f8daf67f4)
Load mod: FS19_JD_S600_Series (Version: (Hash: 61b574bc2dc15e985b8414a85a0c9b3c)
Load mod: FS19_JD_S700_Series (Version: (Hash: 992ba821e5253a33603c528ab6b90a15)
Load mod: FS19_JohnDeere690 (Version: (Hash: bfbd53c21301dea8c5a645b979bd86c2)
Load mod: fs19_johndeere9000pack (Version: (Hash: a7999540a6840025511e1b33fed8a37c)
Load mod: FS19_JohnDeere_645FD (Version: (Hash: 5939e4f843e869581f5be13c17d55726)
Load mod: FS19_JohnDeere_8000_8000ten (Version: (Hash: 0e17c227c21447851663338a8f8299b0)
Load mod: FS19_JoskinModulo2 (Version: (Hash: e501428aca529baa5d732ca4749c014f)
Load mod: FS19_kemperPack (Version: (Hash: 777653c8f7dfcf333811df93f7d9f5e0)
Load mod: FS19_KroneBigPack120_80 (Version: (Hash: 98125ebce8c7556de9beacf06054ce59)
Load mod: FS19_kroneBiGX580 (Version: (Hash: bff34c010e42cb25bf31d2bcd2944fd3)
Load mod: FS19_kroneEasyCollect600_2 (Version: (Hash: 8f894db43ae3f138cf56b4b016a3ba88)
Load mod: FS19_KroneEasyCutF (Version: (Hash: 707398827f271fb8011dac44b7ec2453)
Load mod: FS19_KroneSwadro2000 (Version: (Hash: 28b414722ee13df0b4c7c57881702737)
Load mod: FS19_KuhnProfile1880 (Version: (Hash: 9f42459243948d1b458096eaaab6073b)
Load mod: FS19_LagerSilo_Placeable (Version: (Hash: 0fe8f6b76505b13c35c1496f76b0dd8b)
Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'action_openGate' in mod 'FS19_LagerSilo_Placeable'. Ignoring this definition.
Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'action_closeGate' in mod 'FS19_LagerSilo_Placeable'. Ignoring this definition.
Load mod: FS19_LaMarchoiseBuilding (Version: (Hash: 3f10114ca74bb73cb067547c01d7a73c)
Load mod: FS19_lamborghiniMachVRT (Version: (Hash: 2708d1c3c4bc6b74cc5d79edf2b21a82)
Load mod: fs19_landini8550 (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 3997738f66b6783400c05ec928e7b039)
Load mod: FS19_Landini_Legend (Version: (Hash: d142df925b02167fad479a1cfae4362e)
Load mod: FS19_lelySplendimo900MC (Version: (Hash: b69c8219dd2ae97e3c482c4f665abb51)
Load mod: FS19_lemkenDiamant12 (Version: (Hash: 0e9d58b74ad9e0d0beda7aa517a4d62b)
Load mod: FS19_liebherrL538 (Version: (Hash: f12e3371c4edf2867b3ef7521169d2a3)
Load mod: FS19_liebherrTL436 (Version: (Hash: 8177c4c770f613d8ec23521269a2d23e)
Load mod: FS19_LIEBHERR_902_Pack_PC (Version: (Hash: 83d7d68fe8bd18eacf3d3c69a2a6793a)
Load mod: FS19_lightsSet (Version: (Hash: bb161d3fccaed58fcabf9dbb6d28a70c)
Load mod: FS19_LittleShelter (Version: (Hash: 4564c041fc56afb967d17bd89c7a9e69)
Load mod: FS19_lizardD47 (Version: (Hash: 0ca47ce824124a2ecc917f790bd10a4f)
Load mod: FS19_Lizard_VilaSXHV (Version: (Hash: d5de011297b5566243d5be84a7d703ad)
Load mod: FS19_LODEKING_DIstinction_UNLIMITED_Capacity (Version: (Hash: e93cdc0c0649feff00da6aa420ff2fbf)
Load mod: FS19_machineShelterWithLight (Version: (Hash: 010f8bcbc33829521cc5ea1953de35c3)
Load mod: FS19_manureAndTmrPallet (Version: (Hash: 9998f124d960524c06b8cc1ad7737fb8)
Load mod: FS19_MAN_37_403 (Version: (Hash: 194551f1bdc965e9aa3df5a190a915f0)
Load mod: FS19_mashineryShed (Version: (Hash: 67d8066773dfdc47931c481a5fd7f3ba)
Load mod: FS19_MBtrac800_900 (Version: (Hash: adad5740522a7141e643219096016451)
Load mod: FS19_McCormick_MC_fn (Version: (Hash: ae18b808c5d58212d50edec0c8632697)
Load mod: FS19_MCShovel (Version: (Hash: c7a490e3cf6ee5c01f1f6db9091dd5a8)
Load mod: FS19_meijerHollandFred (Version: (Hash: baa3a7f8e40ddad9a4ec7c403a92ead9)
Load mod: FS19_metalGates (Version: (Hash: 2cb46cf6fed38014683008a197ecb34c)
Load mod: FS19_Metal_Storages (Version: (Hash: c410fc65cf637fd256d3fb5ddb38ace6)
Load mod: FS19_MF_3000 (Version: (Hash: 7fe3192dbe95318804b925fe1ae65bc5)
Load mod: FS19_MultiPurposeShed (Version: (Hash: 84ebfe92e87d9968979bdfe4de89c5dd)
Load mod: FS19_MZHT_16 (Version: (Hash: 24c3a2608493982fca29a6f4e607b35b)
Load mod: FS19_newHolland8340 (Version: (Hash: c11dc12ae7b770b614249de57125394e)
Load mod: FS19_NewHollandTM_series (Version: (Hash: e3b8eb2b1b177463d6891f86112bc945)
Load mod: FS19_NewHolland_70_series (Version: (Hash: 03ce1e7c9cb1bee28d5c94f2ede4fdb8)
Load mod: FS19_NewWoodshire (Version: (Hash: 2c7bf1a105ee241995b7496e549b5ab9)
Load mod: FS19_New_Holland_BB1290_Nadal_R90_Telescopic (Version: (Hash: 1e306cdb81dd5839e2d1bf9564942531)
Load mod: FS19_NH_CR_6_7_8_9_90_UniversalPassenger (Version: (Hash: 18aae00f48a038e94057e23629950cc1)
Load mod: FS19_olbertSW300 (Version: (Hash: e68efed0cd80d803042405956c99444f)
Load mod: FS19_OldBarn (Version: (Hash: 8d6ba50192d242f749360b9286a27af9)
Load mod: FS19_Old_Farmhouse (Version: (Hash: 1ceabf8aeb2179c697a70f1926bc583c)
Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'function_farmHouse' in mod 'FS19_Old_Farmhouse'. Ignoring this definition.
Load mod: FS19_PackDondi800 (Version: (Hash: e0eb9bfc3058e28f8986202e1989321e)
Load mod: FS19_palletsPack (Version: (Hash: 6953ebeeee6be59204d9fe4bda23e86c)
Load mod: FS19_PausTSL8_7 (Version: (Hash: 09ae08c59bf61ccc6e4da1e4cd89f4c5)
Load mod: FS19_pavelli_pack (Version: (Hash: e903b4420a4cdd27509b77f50a077090)
Load mod: FS19_placeableBeeHive (Version: (Hash: b65cbdeb62592ad8ae27b8ff6a6ea688)
Load mod: FS19_Placeable_MP_WallPack (Version: (Hash: fc3c535ec9623cbaf6dc1b5721d35467)
Load mod: FS19_placeable_trees (Version: (Hash: 120f8b6dce83e2384dda0b4307f5b266)
Load mod: FS19_poettingerNovacatA10CF (Version: (Hash: b15c0533c9e1143bbaded3134861cdcb)
Load mod: FS19_PolishPack (Version: (Hash: 50d5354e3b39ecf50c841c515e9ce494)
Load mod: FS19_powerLights (Version: (Hash: 406ab1568b183adbda7e4b04c393864d)
Load mod: FS19_QuivogneDiskator (Version: (Hash: 13c81a3bfe4ad7d4c22d79fc85a9bffa)
Load mod: FS19_RandazzoTridem (Version: (Hash: bdef7c65015570bb73d8590bd631d883)
Load mod: FS19_realDirtColor (Version: (Hash: ef6a0176cbf2639eb6cec3445d1256a6)
Load mod: FS19_reschkeHighTipShovel (Version: (Hash: 53ed7363c2b214c6274e54ad7d1b68ae)
Load mod: FS19_RM_PlantableSpruceTrees (Version: (Hash: 42941831dc0bcd82052401050aa21f4c)
Load mod: FS19_saphirGE601 (Version: (Hash: 748d4aca5d1d7923dd2980b4b07f733e)
Load mod: FS19_saphirGS603 (Version: (Hash: daba5948da43f24e81893f9a6613ebd5)
Load mod: FS19_Scania_S580 (Version: (Hash: 3f1019828dad6610e1db2afb94ca24c9)
Load mod: FS19_SheepFold (Version: (Hash: 21f92b01ac2a5b50c3da3590a456f9ca)
Load mod: FS19_SheepFoldOld (Version: (Hash: 124ed8e86f9e218eb09910e4dc3013d2)
Load mod: FS19_ShelfStorage (Version: (Hash: cf88c44d8380329d5925bc2c65ba2d78)
Load mod: FS19_shovelGreen (Version: (Hash: 2f4bcab1fdfcf8350df3574202e5e29f)
Load mod: FS19_shovelWheelLoader (Version: (Hash: 5f7f578867118a732551ec150015a46d)
Load mod: FS19_SiloKingExtended (Version: (Hash: 663a2922a308cad74145f6f8d9e8db4f)
Load mod: FS19_SilokingTrailedLineDuo1814 (Version: (Hash: a0bdaa788e79518c4893a89503c85e0c)
Load mod: FS19_SLH_PACK (Version: (Hash: 4186571d808c7eeeb761d49f2faf2b3e)
Load mod: FS19_SmallBunkerSiloSet (Version: (Hash: 523a9b9ebb31ad39be384953cf4c1d47)
Load mod: FS19_smallshed (Version: (Hash: f18391b85d2626afcacfa95d6e0a7216)
Load mod: FS19_Small_Shads_Wood (Version: (Hash: 6c8565e1481ba7eff2b9c6cdd428c82d)
Load mod: FS19_SodimacMIG8800 (Version: (Hash: 72dbbde798c6f279bb6dfe0997acbdbf)
Load mod: FS19_StajaTrentPack (Version: (Hash: 68076490bd8ccbe065e1e26b8c873c3a)
Load mod: FS19_StanleyToolTrolley (Version: (Hash: 9b917d22071bd12d29daa1e75f5aec73)
Load mod: FS19_SteelBaleSheds (Version: (Hash: 5fa74117e219451fc6cd9f29ebbcdc79)
Load mod: FS19_storeDeliveries (Version: (Hash: 59c2938baf82e7842888381f5c9b50be)
Load mod: FS19_Subsoiler_6M (Version: (Hash: 33f6ec01534bbe6bd1d712dafcd9305f)
Load mod: FS19_SwojskiePola (Version: (Hash: 3ac8a9f2e01a0b783bf203bbec20a063)
Load mod: FS19_Tatoma_BigMixerWagon_BY_BOB51160 (Version: (Hash: 6decb0c9d38b2e8f9aa47a1678ec0612)
Load mod: fs19_tescoexpress (Version: 1.1) (Hash: 920e6f3f5b9c371c3e6cfc108e5dfeb1)
Load mod: FS19_TF_Fattori_140PB95 (Version: (Hash: 60396f06cbe2fb1782c6794f1d2266d8)
Load mod: FS19_The_Old_Stream_Farm (Version: (Hash: 4f9245ba347ecc7c1c1d915d4e61bf81)
Load mod: FS19_TimberedFarm (Version: (Hash: e83975e00dd142949e9f77cda2526f89)
Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'shopItem_chicken' in mod 'FS19_TimberedFarm'. Ignoring this definition.
Load mod: FS19_ToolDisplay (Version: (Hash: 642318f535db6b732d0596b8e543c52f)
Load mod: FS19_trefflerTG615 (Version: (Hash: 36f856ab6faf3b5b40c31ccc230c2989)
Load mod: FS19_TyroleanFarmBuildings (Version: (Hash: 142d89fde31d259aede2f07f769b3ef2)
Load mod: FS19_ursusZ586 (Version: (Hash: dcb27b9517cbc0e801437837d8b6133d)
Load mod: FS19_vaederstadCarrierpack (Version: (Hash: e254f4b944c47417a23ae24fd0cdaa6d)
Load mod: FS19_valtraTSeriesCowEdition (Version: (Hash: e470bd3d6865380d65997a8b41115434)
Load mod: FS19_valtraTSeriesWREdition (Version: (Hash: f1cde05857e13b7b8edaec1bb1504546)
Load mod: FS19_ValzelliVI140 (Version: (Hash: 8a7f1e0aa34926527fb9d2b15bade2cc)
Load mod: FS19_vaschieri_pack (Version: (Hash: 24033d8740098128475d87db9ec97443)
Load mod: FS19_VisiniTetra (Version: (Hash: e5131deee036c436eeab31542e7cb7de)
Load mod: FS19_wheelBarrow (Version: (Hash: 1311cad22eb73ebd391496eee00654c8)
Load mod: FS19_wheelLoaderBaleFork (Version: (Hash: 9f72b12c92aad6dc4b21550890b6d174)
Load mod: FS19_wiataZbloczka (Version: (Hash: a35b0f9b30c8d1f09be9a4231dc4c161)
Load mod: fs19_wilson_pacesetter (Version: (Hash: 5fcdea289ea6e0fdd5b311372b6a21a3)
Load mod: FS19_Woodengatesstonewall (Version: (Hash: e72d0f2b3965500ffcad8e61ddb2d425)
Load mod: FS19_Wood_fence_first (Version: (Hash: ef161c760c51daf704054d5c176eaced)
Load mod: FS19_Wood_fence_second (Version: (Hash: e1daeb1a092cf1c87d2ce4e364427c51)
Load mod: FS19_WoolStorage (Version: (Hash: f0ea8b233f98d103882ed58435e5782f)
Load mod: FS19_ZDT_NS11PZ_Garant_Max (Version: (Hash: 0a4fa5fcf226fda0128c34c7623e923d)
Load mod: FS19_Zuhnhammer_MW (Version: (Hash: 183281d87ca031cb7a3c23eb7cbaba97)
Load mod: fs_19_geenlandpack (Version: (Hash: 36894942e359a8304799488fc22fdad2)
Load mod: Hemp_Factory (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 569a17ce8ab246c94d139ffd5ccf143a)
Load mod: JD_9R_2014_EU (Version: (Hash: 284584d0da35de49066a83dd8b8b7641)
Load mod: Map_FS19_RusticAcres_V1a (Version: (Hash: a97e786ba659f9e4218f7db66b09914e)
Load mod: Melon_Factory (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 66e88f632ab1e756fb6c1adf3f8f9fb7)
Load mod: MercedesSprinter_PickupLong_FS19 (Version: (Hash: 65b66f81acbdcd029e23795331f60ba6)
Load mod: Mercedes_Trailer_FS19 (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 052617fe8970cfb51330357c551ad494)
Load mod: MultipleMissions (Version: 1.0) (Hash: bff1b1841a8ed254777270fa35fb7520)
Load mod: podnoszenie (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 06a75fc4de6988a6ddc059a5eafb1f94)
Load mod: Pumpkin_Factory (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 7f7b7f872f767af08037ab5e68d80431)
Load mod: Strawberry_Factory (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 0993754f24f7353d2df25561e6161e37)
Load mod: Tomato_Factory (Version: 1.0) (Hash: d2a4b5b4aa3fc4e05cc2d1024fbcb236)
Load mod: WaterMelon_Factory (Version: 1.0) (Hash: 37182b61a7692508381ef25e80870cef)
  Warning: Missing l10n 'input_markerRotation'
  Warning: Missing l10n 'input_markerRotation'
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_slash), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRotation to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_slash), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRotation to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_slash), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRotation to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_slash), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRotation to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
2020-05-08 10:03 Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Tino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/fs19_landini8550/ raw format.
2020-05-08 10:03 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Tino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_OldBarn/'.
2020-05-08 10:03 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Tino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/CSS_rapide8400W_100K/icon.png'.
2020-05-08 10:03   Loaded specializations
2020-05-08 10:03   Loaded vehicle types
2020-05-08 10:03   Loaded placeable types
2020-05-08 10:03   Error: Specialization 'fillVolume' already exists for vehicle type 'FS19_7R_Series.7RUS'!
2020-05-08 10:03   Register placeable type: FS19_BaleStacks.objectStoragePlaceable
2020-05-08 10:03   Register placeable type: FS19_EggStorage.objectStoragePlaceable
2020-05-08 10:03 Script loaded: FollowMe.lua - from FS19_FollowMe (v1.6.0.29)
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: selfPropelledSprayer
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: FS19_7R_Series.7RUS
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: tractor
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: FS19_Fiat1355C.Fiat1355c
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: baseDrivable
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: FS19_Fiatagri180_90.Fiatagri180
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: woodTruck
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: FS19_Ferguson_Pack.TEA20
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: cottonHarvester
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: drivableMixerWagon
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: tractorCrabSteering
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: carFillable
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: teleHandler
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: tractorReverseDriving
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: woodCrusherTrailerDrivable
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: combineCutterFruitPreparer
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: woodHarvester
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: FS19_8R_EU.tractor8rEU
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: selfPropelledMower
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: forwarder
2020-05-08 10:03   FollowMe added to: combineDrivable
2020-05-08 10:03 Warning: Could not register brand. Image is missing or empty!
2020-05-08 10:03   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - Loading Version: (22.03.2020)
2020-05-08 10:03   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - MODDING: Add mod 'IndividualHudFruit' as invalid Mod!
2020-05-08 10:03   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - MODDING: Initialising environments for mod 'FS19_GlobalCompanyPlaceable_Sorter'
2020-05-08 10:03   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - [GlobalCompany > GC_languageManager]
2020-05-08 10:03     WARNING: The following duplicate text entries have been found in 'C:/Users/Tino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_GC_baleStoragePlaceable/languages/l10n_en.xml' (FS19_GC_baleStoragePlaceable)! Please remove these.
2020-05-08 10:03       1: GC_baleStoragePlaceable_Ballenlager_gui_spawnText
2020-05-08 10:03   [LSMC - GlobalCompany] - [GlobalCompany > GC_languageManager]
2020-05-08 10:03     INFORMATION: '11' mod language XML files have been loaded successfully.
2020-05-08 10:03 Warning: Could not register brand. Image is missing or empty!
2020-05-08 10:03   Register placeable type: FS19_HandPlantSaplings.handPlantSaplings
2020-05-08 10:03   Register placeable type: FS19_InGroundStorage.individualSilo
2020-05-08 10:03 ::INFO:: from the AddConfig.lua: Set max number of configurations to 134.217.728
2020-05-08 10:03   Register placeable type: FS19_ShelfStorage.objectStoragePlaceable
2020-05-08 10:03   Register placeable type: FS19_SteelBaleSheds.objectStoragePlaceable
2020-05-08 10:03 Add Specialization ( ToDi_Attachment ) - Info: We have successfully added specialization Into ( 11 / 157) of the vehicleTypes.
2020-05-08 10:03 Add Specialization ( ToDi_Vehicle ) - Info: We have successfully added specialization Into ( 44 / 157) of the vehicleTypes.
2020-05-08 10:03   Register placeable type: FS19_WoolStorage.objectStoragePlaceable
2020-05-08 10:03   Register placeable type: FS19_addon_strawHarvest.strawHarvestPelletHall
2020-05-08 10:03 prerequisitesPresent is active
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'baseColor'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'design'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'designColor'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'vehicleType'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'specialDesign'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'attacherJoint'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'SOWINGMACHINE'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'PLOW'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'wrappingColor'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'trailer'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'FORAGEWAGON'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'BALER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'MOWER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'wheel'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'rimColor'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'pipe'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'WINDROWER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'refillSupplies'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'PELLETIZER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'ROLLER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'COMBINECHOPPER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'COMBINESWATH'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'DEFAULT'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'AUXILIARY'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'tensionBelts'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'baseMaterial'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'designMaterial'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'RIDGEMARKER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'WEEDER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'icbuttons'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'feder'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'lights2'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'beacon'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'worklights'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'exhaust'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'plates'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'extrasjd'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'warning'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'specialextras'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'cbradio'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'CUTTER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'motor'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'frontloader'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'folding'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'FRUITPREPARER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'krilo_mzhtColor'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'decol_mzhtColor'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'nomera_mzht'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'CULTIVATOR'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'buyableBaleAmount'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'fillUnit'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'warningt'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'fender'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'flag'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'TEDDER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'cover'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register workAreaType 'SPRAYER'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'powerTakeOff'
2020-05-08 10:03   Register configuration 'fillVolume'
2020-05-08 10:03 Warning: Configuration name 'folding' is not defined in vehicle xml!
2020-05-08 10:03 Warning: Configuration name 'folding

Offline miki1948

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  • Agricoltore
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  • Post: 2 195
    • Fendt
  • Località: Villorba (TV)
« Risposta #1 il: 08 Maggio 2020, 12:19:29 »
hai molti errori fra le tue centinaia di mods, ti elenco quelli più importanti che determinano il blocco del caricamento del gioco
 Warning: Missing l10n 'input_markerRotation'
  Warning: Missing l10n 'input_markerRotation'
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_slash), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRotation to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_slash), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRotation to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_slash), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRotation to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_SPACE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 3, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to IC_MOUSE to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_u), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to workMode to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_z), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to select to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_b), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerPosition to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_y), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to unload to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_j), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerUp to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_n), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerDown to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_comma), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerLeft to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_period), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRight to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_o), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerForward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_k), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerBackward to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_m), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerOriginal to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
  Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_slash), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to markerRotation to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
2020-05-08 10:03 Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Tino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/fs19_landini8550/ raw format.
2020-05-08 10:03 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Tino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_OldBarn/'.
2020-05-08 10:03 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Tino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/CSS_rapide8400W_100K/icon.png'.
2020-05-08 10:03   Loaded specializations
2020-05-08 10:03   Loaded vehicle types
2020-05-08 10:03   Loaded placeable types
2020-05-08 10:03   Error: Specialization 'fillVolume' already exists for vehicle type 'FS19_7R_Series.7RUS'!
Veritas Temporis Filia Est

Offline xTino

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« Risposta #2 il: 08 Maggio 2020, 14:07:57 »
fino ad adesso, mai successo nessun tipo di blocco, ieri chiusi il gioco normalmente, e non ho aggiunto altre mod.
Stamattina vado ad accendere e succede questo....
in ogni caso mi sai dire quali sono le specifiche mod da eliminare ?

Offline miki1948

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« Risposta #3 il: 08 Maggio 2020, 14:21:06 »
sono intanto quelle che ti ho elencato poi tutte quelle cha hanno: errors, don't load, bad...... il consiglio che do da anni, la cartella mods non è il bidone della spazzatura dove ci si butta dentro di tutto. meno cose ma buone!! pulire tutto e poi reinserire solo quelle che intendi utilizzare e provandole se danno errori. cerca intanto fra quelle che hai caricato per ultime che hanno creato il problema.
come già scritto, hai un errore in looping quello ultimo kilometrico, il gioco cerca inutilmente ciò che non trova
Veritas Temporis Filia Est